Aurora – April 21/22

I haven’t had much luck this past year in catching aurora, it was either during the work week or any alerts came through on a cloudy/snowy night. So when I checked late friday night I was pretty stoked to see that there was a pretty decent show on. The Lyrids were also peaking through the weekend, I was able to see a couple, but don’t think I caught any on the camera.


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Dinosaur Provincial Park

During university I had a pretty sweet gig as a survey assistant for the Alberta Government – I got to drive around to the different heritage sites in Southern Alberta to get visitors to fill out a survey when they left the facility/site. One of the sites I got to visit was Dinosaur Provincial Park. I haven’t been back since, but thought I would take advantage of the long weekend to check it out. The morning was a bit rainy, so I didn’t leave Calgary until 2pm – there was still plenty of daylight left when I got to the park. Important to note that Dinosaur Provincial Park isn’t close to the Royal Tyrell Museum, it’s located closer to Brooks, Alberta.

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